Thank you, longgone, for your comforting words. Sounds like you know what I'm talking about!
Take care.
Thank you, longgone, for your comforting words. Sounds like you know what I'm talking about!
Take care.
I still cannot get the reasoning behind standing for the flag salute (not saluting, however) but remaining seated for the anthem.
My junior high school teacher sure gave me hell when I didn't salute the flag in class. I was only a Bible "study," and it wasn't my Bible teacher who told me not to salute the flag. It was something I had read in Mom's Awake!
The sad episode ended with my being forced to apologize to my school teacher (I was 13 years old) and my parents terminating my Bible study.
some men would despair to be in my place.. i am immobile; this would seem an irreparable blow to what i have always perceived as the defining characteristics of manhood: taking risks, conquering new territory, marching forward with confidence toward a future of assured promise and prosperity.
however, this injury to my legs has become the final blow.
over the years, my once sturdy frame has been weakened by chronic illness.
"When I need a break from reality I create imaginary sci fi worlds since I'm not given to food,drink,drugs and other traditional self medications. We do what we can to survive and what will be will be." -- Nancy Drew
Wow! My thoughts exactly.
Thank you very much!
some men would despair to be in my place.. i am immobile; this would seem an irreparable blow to what i have always perceived as the defining characteristics of manhood: taking risks, conquering new territory, marching forward with confidence toward a future of assured promise and prosperity.
however, this injury to my legs has become the final blow.
over the years, my once sturdy frame has been weakened by chronic illness.
Greetings, vivalavida and OnTheWayOut:
Your posts are much appreciated. It's interesting how a simple injury to my ankle on a job years ago resulted in the above (with a little embroidering).
We guys have all gotten hurt somehow, some way, and our health is diminishing. It can be a blow to our manly egos; however, the encouragement I've gotten here, from former students, and from friends up close and personal force me to forge on.
Best wishes to you and yours.
some men would despair to be in my place.. i am immobile; this would seem an irreparable blow to what i have always perceived as the defining characteristics of manhood: taking risks, conquering new territory, marching forward with confidence toward a future of assured promise and prosperity.
however, this injury to my legs has become the final blow.
over the years, my once sturdy frame has been weakened by chronic illness.
Some men would despair to be in my place.
I am immobile; this would seem an irreparable blow to what I have always perceived as the defining characteristics of manhood: taking risks, conquering new territory, marching forward with confidence toward a future of assured promise and prosperity. However, this injury to my legs has become the final blow. Over the years, my once sturdy frame has been weakened by chronic illness. My sad body is on the threshold of atrophy. The couch is my new and reluctant home.
My body is, surely, careering in a downward spiral; yet, conversely, my spirit has (this is the paradox) come alive with hope and good cheer. No longer am I able to walk freely on the country lanes, dappled with shimmering light that filters through the coined leaves of susurrating poplars. Nor, can I gambol with carefree abandon upon the sylvan glens of my family's estate, like the youth I once was.
My useless limbs and declining state of health no longer cause me to hate life and what I have become physically. What I realize, through the simple gift of a former student, is that I now have the means, as well as a reason, to record my former comings and goings, my present musings and humanity, while I put pen to paper.
I have found freedom in the bottom of an inkwell.
heavy, heavy upon my failing heart weighs .
your aching need for my full and loving devotion.. i spend myself willingly on your behalf because,.
truly, your needs and wishes outstrip my own.. if i were young and wiry man, for you .
Our love was beyond time and death. The promise of true love kept me alive despite every reason to bid this angst-filled world goodbye.
Have I set my sights too high? I hold you dear, more so now than ever before. Yet, your inattention to my torn heart plunges me into a despair that has no boundaries. Does a flawed man merit the reassurance that the deepest of wounds shall be healed?
There was a time when you heard my plaintive cries and offered such succor as calmed my disquieting mood. Yes, ever at my side to console and to lift from the fathomless pit.
There is no question that I am needy, that I do admit. Surely, it pains me that I am a weak and ignoble excuse of a man. Nonetheless, we were a perfect match: you, the strong and giving, I, the devoted and worshipful.
Unworthy, yes, but needing true love as I require the air that I breathe . . .
greetings brothers,.
the branch committee has prepared an encouraging video meant to encourage and reassure those affected by the recent storm.
please note that this link or any images from the video are not to be posted to the internet or any social media.. irma message - english.
Brother "English" gets a "G" for gestures.
i recently watched this john cedars video and it really moved me.
i just wanted to share it..
I recall from an explanation in AID TO BIBLE UNDERSTANDING that there are hope, expectation, and desire.
One might desire what is not good, working to one's disadvantage; one is in expectation of what will never occur, i.e., a false promise; however, one has hope in what the Bible foretells and is not disappointed upon seeing the fulfillment of Jehovah's word. When the thing hoped for arrives, then hope has accomplished its goal. There is no further need for "hope."
There has been significant alteration in my outlook toward the future.
truest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
Thank you for what you have contributed; the latter, in particular, is new to me.
Somewhat similar is collocation, the placement of words side-by-side in commonly used expressions:
strong coffee
stiff drink
stricken spirit
blithering idiot
make the bed
set the table
hearty appetite
truest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
That's a start, i.e., writing for the papers!
Don't sell yourself short, LUHE, because you surely do have an ear for words and their effective placement in verse. I am too undisciplined, as well as disinclined, to do metered poetry.